Pit Beast® Smoked BBQ Pulled Pork Recipe

  • Qty. 1 Pork Shoulder (Boston Butt) - 10-12 lbs or whatever
  • Yellow Mustard
  • Pit Beast New England BBQ Rub
  • Apple Cider
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Metal Pan (disposable aluminum meat loaf pans work great)
  1. The shoulder will have skin. Just leave it on. You can put the mustard and rub on it but that will be discarded when shredding.
  2. Rub Yellow mustard all over pork butt (doesn't take much and shouldn't be too thick).
  3. Liberally sprinkle rub onto mustard and pat rub to meat and mustard. When done you should see no mustard.
  4. Let sit at room temp for 30 minutes.
  5. Heat smoker to 275° (you can do this in an oven too, you will just have no added smoke flavor) and place metal pan full of water in smoker.
  6. Place butt in smoker skin side down.
  7. After 1-2 hours (don't spray until the rub is set and doesn't come off on finger), spray pork butt with an even mixture of apple cider and apple cider vinegar.
  8. Continue spraying about once every hour until butt reaches 165°.
  9. If at 165° you have a nice bark, remove it from the smoker. Or, let it go a little longer to get a nicer bark.
  10. Wrap butt in foil and put a little apple cider in the bottom of the foil. Sprinkle a little more rub on top of the butt.
  11. Fully wrap in foil tight and place back in the smoker.
  12. Cook until the butt reaches 205° (it's possible you might find it to be done around 195° - 200°. I find 205° to be a temp that never fails.)
  13. Remove wrapped butt and place on the kitchen counter. Let rest for 30 minutes in foil (do not unwrap).
  14. After 30 minutes, shred the pork (I use those crazy pork shredding claws - check Amazon) and discard the bone and skin while shredding.
  15. EAT IT. This stuff is amazing with Cole Slaw (recipe coming!).

Pulled Pork - Boston Butt with Pit Beast New England Rub